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About Ralph's Mob

Established in 2010, Ralph's Mob is the original independent supporters group of the Tampa Bay Rowdies.  If you've been to a Rowdies Game, you've seen and heard us in the stands, waving flags, surrounded by smoke, standing and singing the entire match.


Our goals are shared and simple.  To join arms with love for the Rowdies and enjoy our Mob community.  To have fun at the matches – regardless of the outcome.  And to keep the energy and atmosphere going strong for 90 full minutes.


Everyone is welcome.

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Ralph's mob charities

Ralph's Mob Charities is the separately financed 501(c)(3) charitable arm of Ralph's Mob.  We pride ourselves on taking an active role in promoting charities and organizations that help local youth, worthy causes, and those in need.


Whether through donations to local organizations, various food and charitable drives, or our ongoing partnership with #GoldTogether to fight against pediatric cancer, we look to create a positive impact in the Tampa Bay area in and outside of the season.


Click here to read the latest news about Ralph's Mob Charities

Ralph's Mob Charities
Current Board Members
Current Ralph's mob Board Members

nancy bataille




Mike Pendleton

Chief Financial Officer


Mike morroni

Music Director



Mark Chisholm

MatchDay Experience/Ambassador

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Crystal snow

Member At-Large


chris horsley

Vice President


james Hartzell

Art and Tifo Director


Jonathan Silva

Ralph's Mob Charities Director


Brad Lympany

MatchDay Experience/Ambassador

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tom de pinto

Discord Admin

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