Membership Basics
EVERYONE is welcome to come into our section to chant and root for the Rowdies, or join us at a watch party, or to celebrate before or after a game - you don't need a membership to be part of the Mob. Memberships help to fund our activities throughout the year (including: creating tifo, banners and flags; maintaining drums and equipment; and putting on events/coordinating travel) and also provide certain benefits each season – along with receiving specific merchandise items as part of your membership package.
Members are expected to follow our Code of Respect whenever at a match or a mob event (see attachment).
Memberships are generally available for purchase from our online store every year in mid-January.
Pre-Match Tailgate
Many Mobsters choose to tailgate in the Al Lang Stadium parking lot prior to the game. The official Mob tent in the stadium parking lot usually sets up on match days around 4 p.m. You are welcome to BYOB and join us. We also sell memberships and merchandise at our tent if you need to pick up a scarf or shirt.

Away Match Watch Parties
Please check Ralph's Mob social media for the most up-to-date information on away match watch parties.