We are excited to announce that our 2020 Membership Packages are now available for preorder in our online store!
While you don't need a membership to be part of the Mob, we sell memberships to help to fund all of our activities throughout the year including: creating tifo, banners and flags; maintaining drums and equipment; and putting on events/coordinating travel. Purchasing a Ralph’s Mob Membership also provides certain benefits each season – along with receiving specific merchandise items as part of your membership package.
Membership Packages
Like in past years we have multiple tiers to choose from featuring some new items we are really excited to show off. While all items are available individually, the Gold, Black, and Green Packages provide the biggest discount on items bundled together.
"The Hat"
Based on a very hard-to-find-iconic piece of original NASL merchandise that is lovingly referred to as “The Hat”, we are excited to bring to life a brand new Ralph’s Mob interpretation of it. This new mesh, snapback trucker hat is a Mob-branded replica of the original 70s-era hat.
New Mob Flag
For the first time in 5 years, we are offering a Mob flag as a membership item. This 2’ x 3’ vertical flag will look great in our new safe-standing section. Quantities are limited and at this time the flag is only available in Gold and Black Packages.
2020 Member Scarf
Congratulations to Laura Spencer for winning the 2020 Ralph’s Mob scarf design contest with her “Glitch” scarf design that will be available individually and as a part of all Membership packages.

Important Note on Shipping vs. Pickup
Shipping charges on orders with hats will cost more this year, due to the need to ship them in a box to avoid crushing. To avoid shipping charges, be sure to select "Pick up in store" on the SHOPPING CART screen of the online store. Pickup and shipping orders will both be available at the time of the regular season opener (Saturday, March 21st).

International Sales
For international orders, please e-mail sales@ralphsmob.com to coordinate payment and delivery.
2020 Membership Benefits
Voting rights and ability to run for Ralph’s Mob Board and At-Large Board Member positions
10% discount and Happy Hour pricing on drinks at Thirsty First, our Home Pub in Downtown St. Pete (must be wearing 2019-20 Ralph's Mob gear to get discount)