Though there's been a pause in the 2020 season, we hope we'll be back in Al Lang, in our new supporter section, in the not-so-distant future.
In the interim, we've had a chance to conduct our annual elections for the Ralph's Mob Board of Directions. Officers (CEO, COO, CFO) all serve a two-year term and Directors serve a one-year term.
We've also added a new At-Large Board Member position for members looking to step into more responsibilities and be part of the organizing and decision making process. These positions are nominated and voted on by total membership.
For 2020, we had two new members submit their nominations as an At-Large Board Member and have both been approved.
Congratulations and welcome to Jackie June and Mitchell Lauster, as they enter the board for the first time (and welcome back to Francis Novoa and Laura Spencer who are returning after some time off). Also congratulations to Jonathan Silva who is taking on the role of COO this year. See the whole Ralph's Mob Board of Directors below.
2020 Ralph's Mob Board of Directors
CEO - Aron Retkes
COO - Jonathan Silva
CFO - Mike Pendleton
Tifo Director - George Retkes
Music Director - Guillermo Perez
Communications & Multimedia Director - JD Willett
Ralph's Mob Charities Director - Jonathan Silva (interim)
Art Director - Laura Spencer
Gameday Operations Director - Francis Novoa
At-Large Board Member - Mat McGee
At-Large Board Member - Jackie June
At-Large Board Member - Mitchell Lauster